« Posts under Modeling/Sculpting

Fruit Bowl Render

black and white fruit bowl

In our lighting and rendering class we are going through the basics of mental ray lighting with linear work flow. I’ve done a bit of this on my own as you might know if you keep up with this blog. I’m learning a lot about the different tools you have in Mental Ray to control shadows and blurry reflections. Our first assignment is to light and render a fruit bowl that as supplied to us. I’ve just started this assignment and I only have the orange texture started, but I have finished lighting the scene. We aren’t allowed to use any indirect lighting systems like Final Gather or Global Illumination. Any bounced light has to be simulated. I’m going to add coloured point lights to simulate bounced light after I have my textures setup.

Most of these lights are casting ray traced shadows with a light radius of 5, 40 shadow rays, and 2 bounces per ray. There is a bit of light linking going on so I can illuminate the bowl and drop cloth separately. For this coming Monday we have to have at least one of the fruits textures started. I have chosen to start with the orange. I generally like the texture, but I have to make a new bump map that puts all those little circular bumps across the surface. The current bump isn’t dense or varied enough.

(http://www NULL.terrymatthes NULL.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/lightrough1 NULL.jpg)
As always, if you have any questions about the settings or any of the file setup just post em here or email me.

Flower Power

Flower geometry with non-linear bend modifiers

Hello. There’s been a little bit of a transition lately as I’ve moved to a new apartment and wow am I happy to be back in Osbourne Village. If you don’t have a car this is the best place to live in the entire city IMO. There are so many shops and I’m a five minute walk away from Safeway. On top of all of that my new bus to work takes 25 minutes and it’s an express. WUT! I’m almost entirely unpacked, but the most important part of the move (my computer :D ) is all setup and ready to go. I’ve wanted to do some kind of flower render for a long time and now I’m just getting one under way. I really like taking pictures of plants and flowers wherever I go and when I went to Nice a few years back I snapped a plethora of shots for inspiration. Here are a few thumbs.

Flower thumbs (http://www NULL.terrymatthes NULL.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/flowers NULL.jpg)

I’ve modeled the main flower so far, but I still have to do the branch and buds. My plan is to model one flower and hook the petals and filament up to non-linear Bend modifiers. The petals have one running vertical as well as horizontal. This way I can control the petals cup shape on the fly. After I model one complete flower I will group the objects that make up the flower and then apply “Duplicate-Special” to the group and check the “duplicate input graph” section of the option box. If you don’t do this the non linear modifiers will duplicate, but they won’t control the duplicated geometry. The next part of this project is to animate the flower growing. These bend modifiers will help me control the movement and shape of each element through the diffrent stages of growth. If you’ve never used modifiers before they are located in the Animation menu set under Animation < Create Deformers < Non-Linear < TypeX. Each modifier has unique controls that are dependant on the type of modifier. A “‘Bend” modifier has a curve attribute as well as standard controls to extend or lessen influence of the modifier. A modifier such as “Sine” will have attributes such as frequency, which you would expect from a wave based tool. All of the modifiers are curves who’s shape modify the geometry much like a lattice (http://caad NULL.arch NULL.ethz NULL.ch/info/maya/manual/UserGuide/CharSetup/DeformLattice NULL.fm3 NULL.html). In fact pairing these tools can give you some great control over your objects and their animation. The only drawback to this method seems to be the duplication.

The only way I can duplicate the geometry and keep the modifiers working is to make the duplicates instanced copies of the original flower group. An instanced copy of an object references the source object for all properties, essentially becoming a copy cat object. This means when you pull on one of the bend modifiers it will control the same part of each instanced flower in the exact same way. I’d like to sprinkle some randomization into this, but I’m not sure how to at this point. Posted below are a few in progress shots of the flower with some of the non-linear modifiers applied. Like always if you have any questions post a comment and I will do my best to answer it :)

Flower geometry with non-linear bend modifiers (http://www NULL.terrymatthes NULL.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/flower_rough NULL.jpg)