I’ve completed a cycad as well as a test for ground cover. I’m aware that there was no grass in the Jurassic period, these grasses are just place holders for ferns cards. The real test was to see if dynamic raytraced lighting shadows the individual grass cards and they do. The video below is made with no baked lighting. It uses Light Propagation Volumes (https://docs NULL.unrealengine NULL.com/latest/INT/Engine/Rendering/LightingAndShadows/LightPropagationVolumes/) that can be enabled in UE4. If you’re interested in creating a similar scene with completely dynamic lighting I suggest you check out this book (https://www NULL.amazon NULL.ca/Unreal-Engine-Lighting-Rendering-Essentials/dp/1785289063) to get a better understanding of light in the Unreal Engine.
[Game] UE4 Mesozoic Forest Update
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